It was a very intense two days for the project partners who met in Dresden on the 22nd and 23rd of September.

PSA Academy
A significant area of discussion was the concrete training offers that the PSA Academy wants to create and to make operational. These offers, based on PSA’s quality standards, will be gathered in a PSA training catalogue.
Certification and recognition were the other topics addressed by the partners as the project approaches to the end.

Virtual and Augmented Reality
Partners also analysed the development of VR and AR, thanks to SBG, after the presentation in Ljubljana. As part of the project, the possible applications of AR and VR in the painting sector are still being tested. This area is considered an innovative and necessary tool to be integrated in training courses in the coming years.

VPL – Validation of prior learning
IDAN showed the online manual for VPL. The site, already presented at the 8th coordination project’s meeting in Ljubljana, has been further developed both in content and images.

Dissemination Plan
UNIEP and EPP showed the results of the communication activity and the new tools created for the project’s dissemination (poster, folder, roll-up ..). Videos on the benefits of PSA Academy for young people, companies and VET schools were recorded. They are still under development but will be released soon.

PSA through Europe
Finally, the business idea was discussed, on how the PSA Academy will be set up, developped and expanded throughout Europe. PSA wants to provide young people, and all those who would like to take part in it, the opportunity to upgrade their competences and to move all over Europe for training, courses or workshops.

Next meeting: Vienna (28/11 – 01/12)

Categories: Event