The 2nd partners meeting of the Erasmus+ project Digi-Paint was held in Dublin on 25th and 26th August, at the Technological University Dublin premises. Warmly welcomed by our Irish partner, this meeting has been an important moment to gather all partners and to take stock of the project advancement. Having previously finalised the pedagogical guidelines, the scenarios for the 5 tutorial videos about Instructional design, Learner’s motivation and interaction, Learning Resources, Evaluation and Feedback and Online Trainer skills were discussed, evaluated and some of them visualised in video format to get the feedback of the partners. These videos will actually be a supporting tool for educators to digitalise their courses and make them more attractive. An amazing VR experiment was also carried out by the technological partner, Epistèmes, with the other partners for showing how useful and captivating could be to insert in a course a painting virtual practical situation like the coating systems for work-based learning periods.
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