A month after our meeting in Dublin, all project partners gathered for a Zoom meeting to assess the project’s progress.

State of the art of the project’s activity
PR1 is being completed with the production of the 5 tutorial videos (to be followed by the 5 factsheets), and PR2 has started. Partners TUDublin and Epistèmes are regularly working on completing these tasks.

PR1 – Pedagogical content for the educator’s training
The 5 Trainer Booklets will soon be presented in English, French and Italian. A helpful tool for teachers and trainers to improve their skills in the online delivery of any training topic.

PR2 – Interactive real-life situations to WBL periods
TUDublin is currently producing a working paper on the setting up of the first learning module video on mineral substrates. Once completed, together with Epistemes, an immersive virtual environment will be created in which the student can learn practical techniques using VR headsets.

Quality assurance
Thanks to the analysis and work done by Imanovation, we can confirm that the partners were satisfied with the meeting and the work done in Dublin.

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Source: https://digipaint.eu/

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