Digi-Paint project reaches its first objectives in Dublin
The 2nd partners meeting of the Erasmus+ project Digi-Paint was held in Dublin on 25th and 26th August, at the Technological University Dublin premises. Warmly welcomed by our Irish partner, this meeting has been an important moment to gather all partners and to take stock Read more…
DIGI-Paint. Pedagogical guidelines and provision of VR modules
The first activity of the Digi Paint project has been carried out by the Luxembourgish partner “Centre de Compétences” and concerns the Pedagogical Guidelines for Instructors. This document outlines the different topics which are important for the instructors of online trainings Read more…
DIGI-Paint. A concrete proposal to support educators in distance learning
The aim of the third project’s activity, of which EPP is the leader, is to investigate the existing digital tools used by teachers, trainers and company tutors in the Partner countries and among UNIEP members. As a result of this analysis, a database will be created, Read more…
DIGI-Paint. LTTA – Learning, teaching and training activities
The LTTA is a significant activity within the project and is organised and managed by Formedil. It will involve teachers and trainers meeting for three days in Rome from 19th to 21st April 2023 to discuss and exchange good practices. Read more…
PaintingSkillsAcademy, 9th Coordination Meeting of all project partners (Dresden)
Everything is almost ready for the next Coordination Meeting, which will be held in Dresden on 22nd and 23rd September. All Partners will be in Germany, hosted by SBG, to take stock of the project and discuss the next steps together.
2nd Project meeting, Dublin (IE), 25-26 August 2022 DIGI-Paint
All partners gathered in Dublin on 25-26 August, hosted by TU Dublin, for the second project meeting.
Two new video projects for PaintingSkillsAcademy see the light
The advantages and opportunities that PaintingSkillsAcademy wants to give to multiple realities (learners, training providers, companies … ) are manifold. Therefore we have decided to explain them in a series of videos. We will make four informative videos on the innovative features that PSA wants Read more…
Stock-taking of the initial situation. Let’s present WP1!
Download the “Painting Skills Key Points” report in 🇬🇧 English or 🇩🇪 German.
Digi-Paint Sixth Online Follow-up Meeting
At the beginning of August, all the project partners got together to take stock, discuss the next steps and organise the next 2nd Project Meeting, which we will hold in Dublin at the end of the month. If you are Read more…