In Paint Platform: a dedicated observatory for the Painting trade
It is time to visit the Platform and look at events and news of the sector!
It is time to visit the Platform and look at events and news of the sector!
On the occasion of Anefore Summerfest and the 35th anniversary of the Erasmus programme, which took place on 20th July 2022 in Luxembourg, UNIEP received the Erasmus+ trophy. This prize is awarded to the best Erasmus + projects submitted in Read more…
In mid-July, another online meeting took place. All partners were updated on the latest developments of the project, and together they identified new steps to be taken. In the beginning, the organisation of the next project meeting was discussed, which Read more…
At the occasion of Anefore Summerfest and the 35th anniversary of the Erasmus programme which will take place on 20th July 2022 in Luxembourg, Uniep will receive the Erasmus+ trophy for its successful project’s proposition selected at the call for Read more…
Discover the new Journal edition which includes all the highlights of the project and all the major achievements!
Beginning of June, the Digi-Paint Fourth Online Follow-up Meeting took place with all project partners. These monthly meetings are meant to discuss the state of the art of the project and to agree about better solutions for implementing the activities’ Read more…
The UNIEP General Assembly 2022 will take place on 14th October 2022 in Wallisellen, Switzerland. Find the programme below or download the PDF version here.
Three days of workshops and discussions on the state of the art and the future of the project.
The partnership, coordinated by UNIEP, is composed by 7 partners from 6 countries (LU, IE, BE, FR, IT, PT), each with specific responsibilities in digital and educational technology, pedagogical practices, deep experience in the Painting and Decorating sector (schools and Read more…
to the Austrian Federal Apprentice Competitionin the “Abbey UND” in Krems /Danube18-19 June 2022 For the detailed programme and registration click here.