PSA across Europe – United Kingdom
The Painting & Decorating Association talks about PaintingSkillsAcademy in its magazine, The Decorator. Are you interested? Discover The Decorator magazine.
The Painting & Decorating Association talks about PaintingSkillsAcademy in its magazine, The Decorator. Are you interested? Discover The Decorator magazine.
The current issue of the painting magazine Barvy profi talks about PSA and the creation of a transnational education system.
After one month, the project partners got together again to complete the video production and share new commitments and upcoming results. Haven’t you seen our Newsletter yet? The first DIGI-Paint Newsletter is out. Click here.
The Pedagogical Guidelines for Instructors have been published. You can download them directly from the homepage of the results page on the DIGI-Paint website.
If you are interested, discover the official journal The Decorator.
A month after our meeting in Dublin, all project partners gathered for a Zoom meeting to assess the project’s progress. NewsletterThe first DIGI-Paint newsletter is out. It is colourful, well organised and up-to-date! Didn’t get it? Sign up for the UNIEP mailing list. Click here.
The 2nd partners meeting of the Erasmus+ project Digi-Paint was held in Dublin on 25th and 26th August, at the Technological University Dublin premises. Warmly welcomed by our Irish partner, this meeting has been an important moment to gather all partners and to take stock of the project advancement. Having previously finalised the pedagogical guidelines, Read more…
The first activity of the Digi Paint project has been carried out by the Luxembourgish partner “Centre de Compétences” and concerns the Pedagogical Guidelines for Instructors. This document outlines the different topics which are important for the instructors of online trainings in general. The content is therefore helpful not only to the paint instructors but Read more…
The aim of the third project’s activity, of which EPP is the leader, is to investigate the existing digital tools used by teachers, trainers and company tutors in the Partner countries and among UNIEP members. As a result of this analysis, a database will be created, which is considered the linchpin of this activity. The database aims Read more…